Category Archives: news

The upcoming changes to HTTP domain control validation

There will be a change in the requirements for SSL certificates seeking validation using the HTTP domain control validation (DCV) method in the coming weeks. This change is in keeping with new rules set out by the CA/Browser Forum, which has determined that in some instances, HTTP validation may allow threat actors to obtain SSL certificates for domains they don’t actually own.

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Let’s Encrypt root certificate expiry causes issues for users

Many website owners with SSL certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt faced outages over the past few days. This is due to the expiration of its IdenTrust DST Root CA X3 cross-signed root certificate. Although this root certificate has been replaced by one called ISRG Root X1, many users are still encountering service issues, particularly business owners and their customers. So those worst hit include not only website owners using legacy servers and older devices, but also hosting service companies that failed to update their software, leaving their customers and users without service. 

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WhatsApp finally launching end-to-end encryption for backups

WhatsApp has announced that it will begin offering end-to-end encryption on chats backed up to Google Drive and iCloud on Android and iOS phones. This comes after the messaging service was discovered to be testing encrypted backups in WhatsApp beta for Android in early summer. Although WhatsApp has offered end-to-end protection by default on messages since 2016 (although some might beg to differ), backed-up messages have not been encrypted. 

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The difference between AWS Certificates and Public CA Certificates

Using cloud-based platforms and services has become increasingly popular among businesses over the past few years, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) dominating the market. From website hosting and app development to storage and database management, AWS is a go-to source for those looking to dip their toe into the ever-expanding online space. 

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European bodies make calls to ban AI biometric surveillance

As technology becomes more sophisticated, so too, it seems, do surveillance methods. Unfortunately, with improved surveillance methods comes increased intrusiveness. Basically, what was once the stuff of science-fiction is now a reality.

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Chinese hacking groups accused of coordinating recent cyber attacks

It seems like hacking incidents have become more and more prevalent in recent times, and they show no signs of letting up. Several recent attacks have something in common: the alleged perpetrators are hacker groups operating out of China. 

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Will vaccine passports permanently impact digital identity?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the world works in many ways, from how we work to living more socially distanced lives. Another way it may impact society is helping pave the way for more widespread use of digital passports, specifically vaccine and immunity passports. Some speculate that they may even transform digital identity as we know it, making some kind of streamlined worldwide digital identity pass the norm in the years to come. For that to happen, though, there would need to be serious consideration given to privacy and ethical concerns. 

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