Category Archives: news

Death of the Password – Infographic

In 2004 Bill Gates predicted the death of the password. It now feels that we’re moving closer to seeing Gates’ prediction come to fruition, but why has it taken so long? There simply hasn’t been the technology available to provide a solution that offers secure, stronger authentication combined with a good user experience. The password has ruled by necessity.

The widespread adoption of the smartphone coupled with an advancement in consumer biometric technology has changed the landscape. There’s now also a stronger public will to find a better authentication method. This has been fuelled by high-profile hacks, which have further exposed the vulnerability of the one-time password.

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Sunsetting SHA-1 and Moving to SHA-2

One of the most important parts of SSL certificates’ security is the signature algorithm. The SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm, created nearly 20 years ago, is one of the most commonly used hash function for websites that are protected with SSL.

SHA-1 is getting weaker every day and is frequently exposed to collision attacks in which hackers may obtain fraudulent certificates. However, SHA-1 is still widely used for many websites that are protected with SSL.

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Web Spam: An Information Invasion

Massive web spam distribution is a disease of the modern information society. Today’s spammers are far ahead of many existing spam protection tools.

Existing tools – anti-spam gateways, the anti-spam algorithms used by search engines and built-in mail services, blog and forum filters – are not sufficiently effective against this enemy. True spam reduction requires proper understanding of existing spam technologies. Such knowledge points the way to appropriate and effective countermeasures.

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Website Security Becomes Important for Google

Great news! Today Google has officially announced that using HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a must-have for websites.

Why HTTPS Matters for SEO

In addition to an SEO-friendly website structure, unique content, quality internal and external links and site speed optimization, establishing HTTPS with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) now also increases your site’s search engine ranking.

Read more now accepts Bitcoin

We are happy to announce that you are now able to purchase SSL certificates using Bitcoin on

Our Bitcoin capability is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most progressive and frictionless payment processors. is the first SSL shop to take advantage of Stripe’s support for Bitcoin payments. Bitcoin is one of the most widely used virtual currency based on a peer-to-peer payment network that does not exist in physical form, as it is not affiliated to any financial institutions or governments and controlled by all Bitcoin users.

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Hacking History: A Timeline of Hack Tactics

Hacking is an epidemic. In 2013, Twitter, Facebook, Adobe, Target and NBC were all the victims of high-profile security breaches – and they weren't alone.

It’s estimated that 30,000 websites are hacked every single day, ranging from small company blogs to social media behemoths. However, hacking wasn’t always the premise of criminals seeking to defraud companies. Hacking originally emerged in the 50s and 60s, and the earliest hacks were typically shortcuts invented to bypass or improve computer systems.

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