Category Archives: Security

Everything You Should Know About Wildcard SSL Certificates


Wildcard SSLs secure an unlimited amount of subdomains along with a domain name.This means that once you obtain the certificate, you are able to secure all one-level subdomains with the same certificate file.

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How to Easily Move Your Website to HTTPS

Since Google announced that using HTTPS encryption for all website pages is an important factor in SEO ranking, demand for SSL certificates to enable website security has increased even more.

Many webmasters and website owners remain confused about what actions are required to move their websites from HTTP to HTTPS without difficulty.

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Cyber Security in 2015

No one was immune to the impact of cyber criminal activities in 2014. It will be remembered as the year of the Heartbleed bug that caused a vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic library; the Poodle attack against outdated SSL 3.0; the sunset of the SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm, which was frequently affected by cyber attacks; and the Shellshock software bug.

Many e-commerce giants, popular smartphone applications, and government and health organizations were also actively attacked by hackers in 2014.

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