Does your website need an SSL certificate?

Everyday we’re inundated with messages about Internet security and staying safe online. It can be hard to separate what’s a genuine threat with what seems like a fad or a marketing ploy. The unfortunate reality is that is we get more entrenched in the online sphere, the more vigilant everyone needs to be. It’s unsurprising, then, that a common question asked by many website owners is, “Do I really need an SSL certificate?”.

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Private SSL vs. Shared SSL — what you need to know

When it comes to protecting your website with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, there are a bunch of factors to consider when choosing the right one for your needs. One of the things people get confused about is the difference between a Private vs. Shared SSL Certificate.
In fact there are three main types to choose from, and we’re going to break them down for you.

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