Everyday we’re inundated with messages about Internet security and staying safe online. It can be hard to separate what’s a genuine threat with what seems like a fad or a marketing ploy. The unfortunate reality is that is we get more entrenched in the online sphere, the more vigilant everyone needs to be. It’s unsurprising, then, that a common question asked by many website owners is, “Do I really need an SSL certificate?”.
How to find a website’s SSL info in Google chrome
Whether you have a website that asks customers for personal information like credit card details, address and phone number, or you’re a shopper deciding whether to make a purchase online, it’s important to be able to know that your interaction will be securely protected with valid, reputable SSL encryption.
Why subdomains and what are the SSL options?
Subdomains have some key benefits, but some companies shy away from them because they’re not sure about whether each one needs their own SSL Certificate. Fact is you have a number of encryption choices. In today’s blog we’ll explore this topic so you can understand your options.
Private SSL vs. Shared SSL — what you need to know

When it comes to protecting your website with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, there are a bunch of factors to consider when choosing the right one for your needs. One of the things people get confused about is the difference between a Private vs. Shared SSL Certificate. In fact there are three main types to choose from, and we’re going to break them down for you.
Multi-Domain and Wildcard SSL: what’s the difference?
Quite a few people get confused between two types of SSL Certificates — Multi-Domain and Wildcard. This blog will clear things up for you.Read more
SSLs.com joins #TeamTrees
Clearing up the confusion: SSL vs Code Signing Certificates
We’ve had questions from people scratching their heads about the difference between SSL Certificates and Code Signing Certificates. Because both use public-key encryption, are they interchangeable? The short answer is no. Let’s explore why.