Report reveals that passkey adoption has increased by 400 percent in 2024

Although passwords have long been the default authentication method for signing into digital products and services, they are unfortunately one of the most vulnerable. Many security breaches occur due to users reusing the same password across multiple websites or using weak, easily guessed passwords. 

To stay safe online, an alternative was sorely needed. That’s where passkeys come in. 

First launched in 2022, passkeys provide a passwordless alternative to signing into online accounts, where a user online needs to provide a pin, pattern, or biometric sensor like a fingerprint. Passkeys use public key cryptography, so they’re highly secure. They’re also a much more convenient way to sign in than potentially remembering hundreds of unique passwords.

According to the first Dashlane Passkey Report from password manager and digital wallet application Dashlane, adoption has been going from strength to strength ever since. Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting findings.

Over 100 domains offer passkey support

Sites that added passkey support in 2024 include Target, PlayStation, and X. Passkey adoption is mainly driven by scaled platforms and early adopters. Cisco Duo and Google are among the most popular for passkeys, while sticky apps that people use regularly (daily or weekly) saw the most passkey adoption. This includes Amazon, Target, and Moneybird. 

E-commerce sites account for the majority of passkey users

E-commerce sites and apps take the largest share of passkey authentications at 42%. Dashlane surmises that passkeys bring added convenience to e-commerce sales, speeding up checkout and reducing the likelihood of an abandoned cart. They point to a FIDO statistic suggesting that the average US consumer abandons a purchase 4.76 times per day due to a forgotten password. With passkeys, this will no longer be an issue.

Passkey usage is increasing rapidly

Although it’s early days, the Dashlane app has seen marked growth in the number of active users with passkeys saved in their vault. About one in five. Furthermore, they’ve seen a 400% increase in passkey authentications since the beginning of 2024, amounting to 200,000 passkey logins per month.

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